We will be at PechaKucha Night Coruña

26 June 2014

Poster of PechaKucha Night CoruñaFragas do Mandeo has been invited to participate in the eighth PechaKucha Night Coruña which will take place tomorrow.

The original format of this event consists of concise and rapidly paced presentations, in which the ten participants will present their artistic, cultural, social or business projects through the projection of 20 slides in 20 seconds. Therefore, we have the challenge to describe land stewardship and the work of Fragas do Mandeo in the nature conservation of As Mariñas area in a very concise and clear way.

This event is organized by Urbanlab, participating with us Vanenbikke, Equus Zebra, Fur Alle Falle, Flu-or, The Room & Prato_Do, Milicia Gráfica, Esferobire, Desconcierto and Vivir na Coruña. As good hosts, the organizers thought about everything, and there will be tapas from Se Me Va La Olla and tastings of Prato_Do, among other dishes.

Place: Hangar de Test, Barcelona Street 58 (A Coruña).
Date: June 27, at 8 p.m.

Additional information can be found on the organization website.

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