Donation of two woodland plots

19 December 2014

Today was a very special day, since we signed the donation deed of two woodland plots that amount to 2.464 m2. Ms. María Lourdes Regueira and Mr. Xabier Vázquez, a couple living in Perillo (Oleiros), had the generosity to donate them to Fragas do Mandeo, so that their natural value is preserved in perpetuity.

Photograph of both donorsBoth woodland plots are in Pousadoiro (Aranga), bordering the River Mandeo, and harbour native forest. They are not part of the protected natural heritage site SAC Betanzos-Mandeo, since they are located upstream of Ponte Aranga. Nevertheless, they are located in an area officially proposed for SAC extension, since they hold riparian and hillside forests of great ecological importance on one of the steeper banks of the river.

Fragas do Mandeo is grateful to Ms. María Lourdes and Mr. Xabier for this donation. In addition to the environmental value of these two woodland plots, this is the first donation received since our foundation. We hope that their gesture will serve as an example and encourages other people to cede us woodland plots that are not being exploited.

Donations to Fragas do Mandeo involve two advantages. First, and most important, is the satisfaction of becoming actively engaged in the preservation of the nature of our area, having the guarantee of perpetuity. Second, the tax advantages (deduction of 25% of the donated value from income tax, and a 35% deduction from corporate tax).

You are still in time to make a donation before year-end. You can find additional information in section Join us! or else you can contact us directly (in section Contact you can find the necessary information).

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