Future instructors learn about stewardship

28 February 2015

Today, within the Recreation Instructor Training Course given at the Youth Centre of Betanzos, students have had the opportunity to find out what land stewardship entails, and to get to know, in depth, our work in favor of conservation of local biodiversity.

Fragas do Mandeo gave a talk and answered the questions of the sixteen students in this year’s training group. After studying several subjects ―among them environmental education― during the 350 hour course, they will be officially qualified to be recreation instructors.

Our message encouraged them, when they become leaders of camps, workshops and outings, to motivate citizens to get directly involved in the conservation of these places, which are both leisure spots and biodiversity shelters and provide us with essential eco-systemic services. We must return nature the favour!

We are grateful to Querqus Recreation School for this great opportunity to spread the word about our work and also to Espazo Xove Betanzos.

Photograph of the training course

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