Galician stewardship in a network

19 March 2015

Five land stewardship entities, among them Fragas do Mandeo, have joined into partnership for setting up a network to represent them before society and public Administrations.

Logo of the Rede Galega de Custodia do Territorio (Galician Network for Land Stewardship)The Galician Network for Land Stewardship is born with the ambition of promoting the use of this strategy for nature conservation and highlighting the hard work done by the member organizations. Among its objectives are to ease their relationship with other sectors of society, to provide training and to be a platform for interchanging experiences.

Thus, Galicia will have its own network, just like other autonomous regions in the state. One of the first steps will be to join the Foro de Redes y Entidades de Custodia del Territorio (Forum for Land Stewardship Networks and Entities), where the Galician organizations were already taking part just as a group with no legal personality.

The first public activity of the Galician Network will be to held the Training workshop days for the strengthening of the Galician entities of land stewardship. The first day will be devoted to its public presentation; afterwards there will be a workshop on strategies to increase the impact on institutions and to stimulate networking. On the second day the objective is to discuss on good stewardship practices and present different experiences, among them that of Fragas do Mandeo.

This event is included in the project Tejiendo Redes (Network Weaving), promoted by the Foro de Redes y Entidades de Custodia del Territorio and the Xarxa de Custòdia del Territori, with the collaboration of Fundación Biodiversidad and of the Obra Social La Caixa.

For further information, please download the program.

Place: Santiago de Compostela.
Date: 27th and 28th March 2015.

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