2015 montbretia collection

26 October 2015

Five volunteers spent yesterday morning uprooting crocosmia in the spot of Chelo, collecting 21 kg of tubers. With this action we finish this year’s campaign to eradicate it from the River Mandeo banks, between the Chelo Footbridge and Teixeiro Bridge.

Photograph of montbretia tubersThis year’s balance was 164 kg of tubers, uprooted by 43 volunteers who joined their efforts during 88 working hours. Last year we eliminated 173 kg, so both campaigns make a total of 337 kg.

Can we talk of definitive eradication? No, because there may be some tuber hidden among the roots of the alders or a small bed that went unnoticed, hidden between the riparian vegetation. So next year we will return to meticulously review this section of the river: consistency is an essential virtue in the fight against invasive exotic species.

And if there are enough volunteers, we will extend the intervention area even up to the Campo dos Caneiros. Will you come and become an environmental volunteer?

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