Hikers from Cambre use the brand new piggybank

5 March 2016

This morning we accompanied a hiking group who came to Espenuca to walk a route along the River Mandeo up to Betanzos. They participate in the hiking program Vente de marcha (Come and go out) that the Council of Cambre has been organizing for 16 years.

At the viewpoint we explained the degradation process affecting our native forests. The eucalyptus trees blind the views from the West face of the viewpoint; from the other sides we can enjoy the panoramic views at the moment, while those trees that were recently cut down do not grow back again. Then we went down to the plot that is being recovered, located to the North of the Chapel, where we explained the work done towards its ecological restoration. Finally, we toured the path which traces through the remaining oak grove, where the group could realize the great contrast of humidity and vegetation compared to wood plots where eucalyptus thrive.

Given that we broke the donations piggybank last month, these hikers used the new one for the first time. We do not know how much money they put into it, but it is weighty now. With this gesture they showed their gratitude for Fragas do Mandeo initiatives. Theirs is an example that should be copied by all groups visiting natural areas, so the entities who are working in those areas for nature conservation can receive a little help from those who enjoy it.

We thank the organizers for inviting us to explain our work and the participants for their help.

Photograph of the hikers

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