Giving a talk at the Naturalist Meetings

14 February 2018

Our first public intervention this year will be on Wednesday next week in A Coruña.

Photograph of the posterThe Grupo Naturalista Hábitat has invited us to show our work at the Naturalist Meetings. Under this name they periodically organize conferences on different aspects of natural sciences, lectured by leading specialists. Therefore, we could not turn down this excellent opportunity to spread the word about the progress of our interventions among an audience so committed to nature conservation.

Place: Premises of the Grupo Naturalista Hábitat (Hábitat Naturalist Group), in Camariñas Street 8 (A Coruña).
Date: Wednesday, February 21st, 2018.
Time: 8.30 p.m.
Registration: In order to facilitate organization, please do register in advance.

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