The work camp finished today. The nine volunteers, accompanied by two instructors and the camp director, spent the last week eliminating small-leaf spiderwort (Tradescantia fluminensis) by the As Bouzas stream (Chelo, Coirós). They got to fill two garden trailers with remains, what means an approximate volume of 8 m3. They also removed litter and even an old lorry wheel. Now it is time for the volunteers of Fragas do Mandeo to check for reappearance of the species, since any remaining small piece of the plant could re-infest a whole area.
But, even as they leave to return to their communities of origin, other volunteers have just arrived. As a welcome, this afternoon we have been explaining them our objectives and the mode of operation of Fragas do Mandeo to a group of coastal environment volunteers of the Directorate General for Youth, Participation and Volunteering of the Xunta de Galicia. The eight volunteers, accompanied by an instructor of Ribeirán Proxectos Naturais, are going to give us a hand removing litter on the coast of our area throughout this week.
We are grateful both to those who leave and those who have just arrived, for their work in favor of our natural heritage.