Angola is interested in our work

16 October 2013

Photograph of the Angolan delegationIn Chelo today we met with the delegation of a public company under the Ministry of Energy and Water of the Republic of Angola, which is visiting our region to learn about new developments in the area of environmental management. The technicians of GAMED (Office for the Exploitation of the Middle Kwanza) were interested in the land stewardship activity of Fragas do Mandeo in the river environment.

The protection of riverbank and hillside forests is an effective mechanism to minimize major flooding (they act as a sponge), to reduce soil erosion (preserving the vegetation cover), to preserve water resources (they facilitate the recharging of aquifers) and to combat diffuse pollution (they purify water before it reaches rivers or aquifers). We hope that our modest experience is useful in the River Kwanza, a much larger and longer watercourse than the River Mandeo.

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