Presentation in A Coruña with Wood Feelings

7 July 2014

Fragas do Mandeo was invited once again to present its work in A Coruña, this time hosted by the Company Wood Feelings. In contrast to the mere 6 minutes and 40 seconds talk we had at the PechaKucha Night, as befits this event’s singular format, next Friday the talk can last as long as necessary and the audience can ask as many questions as they wish.

Image of Wood FeelingsWood Feelings is a small company that designs and produces high quality, handcrafted furniture manufactured in solid wood treated with ecological products. Based in Cambre, this new business initiative will be presented this week at the Hangar de Test. As part of their social commitment, they are going to do all they can to support the land stewardship work of Fragas do Mandeo. We are therefore doubly grateful for inviting us to participate in their launch event and for helping with the conservation of our region’s nature.

We wish them success in their venture.

Place: Hangar de Test, calle Barcelona 58 (A Coruña).
Date: July 11th, at 7.30 p.m.

Additional information can be found on the Facebook profile of Facebook of Wood Feelings.

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