Presentation of Life Fluvial at Chelo

14 March 2018

Next week the Life Fluvial project is to be presented at the Chelo Visitors Centre. The Association for Rural Development Mariñas-Betanzos, organizer of the event, has invited us to give a short talk on land stewardship as a tool to manage the natural heritage.

Logo of Life FluvialThe aim of this project is to improve the state of conservation of river corridors of the Iberian Atlantic region, focused in the riparian woods of alder and ash (priority habitat 91E0). It will intervene within eight natural areas of the Natura Network, two of them in our area, four in Lugo, one in Asturias and another one in Portugal. Funding comes mainly from the European Union and there are eight partners of the project from both countries.

Although Fragas do Mandeo does not form part of this project, given the impact it can have on the preservation of local biodiversity, we will offer all our experience related to land stewardship as a tool for conservation.

Place: Visitors Centre of Chelo (Coirós).
Date: March 22nd, 2018.
Hour: From 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
Program: For further information, please download the leaflet on the event.

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